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Achieving HIPAA Compliance: Your Guide to Properly Disposing of PHI Hardware

Healthcare organizations upgrade their electronic devices and hardware all the time. Newer, more sophisticated[…]

Ensuring Your HIPAA Compliance with Business Associate Agreements

The Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is legislation that regulates the security[…]

Building Patient Trust by Nurturing a Culture of Privacy

Creating and maintaining a culture of data privacy in your organization is vital in today’s digitally-driven healthcare[…]

Medical Device Security Risks: What Healthcare institutions can do

Medical devices, just like any other Internet of Things (IoT) object, are prone to hackers. These hacks can get[…]

How AI and Machine Learning Help Healthcare Organizations Improve Cybersecurity

With large-scale incidents of identity theft, more insecure connected devices such as mobile phones and smart watches,[…]

Why Ignoring the Minimum Necessary Standard in HIPAA Could Cost You

Does your healthcare organization develop and implement policies and procedures that are appropriate and reflect your[…]

Healthcare Cybersecurity Breaches on the Rise: Why It Matters in 2019

Healthcare data breaches are increasingly prevalent, particularly at hospitals, in physician offices, and with[…]

These 6 Healthcare Cybersecurity Tips Could Save You Thousands

In 2017 alone there were more than 330 data breaches in the US medical and healthcare sector, which exposed 4.93[…]

How HIPAA Helps Strengthen Patient Trust

Trust is a vital factor that affects the success of any relationship, whether it be personal or professional. Without[…]

How Does HITRUST Promote Healthcare Security?

Healthcare industry providers are relying on evolving technologies. These developing technologies have led to[…]
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