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New HHS Rule for better patient data access

New Rule for Interoperability, Information Blocking, and the ONC Health IT Certification Program The US Department of[…]

Did you know Universities and Colleges have become the hacker's paradise?

Colleges and Universities are the new Hacker's Paradise! If you have attended or you are attending a College or[…]

HIPAA Enforcement: The future of HIPAA penalty caps and limits, and regulatory actions on failure to comply with breach notification rules

Caps on HIPAA penalties restrict OCR's ability to enforce proportionately OCR Director Roger Severino said at the 2018[…]

What you should know about THE HIPAA PRIVACY RULE

Does the HIPAA Privacy rule affect you? You should be familiar with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability[…]

Five Steps to HIPAA Compliance for a Doctor's Office

Why do you, as a doctor, dentist or any other medical provider, need to comply with HIPAA? HIPAA, the Health Insurance[…]

How Do I Report An Unsecured Protected Health Information (PHI) Breach?

Have you had a HIPAA Breach? Here's how you report it. If you are a covered entity and have experienced the loss or[…]

10 Steps to help prevent Breaches of PHI

You may have heard of healthcare organizations struggling to comply with HIPAA. The Health Insurance Portability[…]

How you can obtain access to your Protected Health Information (PHI)

Have you ever wanted to dig deep into all your Protected Health Information (PHI) and see what information the doctors[…]

Do Dentists Need To Comply With HIPAA?

In April 2018, a dental office in New Jersey, Michael Gruber, DMD, PA reported that their computers were hacked and[…]
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