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Ensuring Your HIPAA Compliance with Business Associate Agreements

The Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is legislation that regulates the security[…]

Building Patient Trust by Nurturing a Culture of Privacy

Creating and maintaining a culture of data privacy in your organization is vital in today’s digitally-driven healthcare[…]

8 Questions Your Board Will Ask About Your Cybersecurity Program

Cybersecurity coverage is a critical concern for every modern business. Whether you're a growing company or an[…]

Medical Device Security Risks: What Healthcare institutions can do

Medical devices, just like any other Internet of Things (IoT) object, are prone to hackers. These hacks can get[…]

How AI and Machine Learning Help Healthcare Organizations Improve Cybersecurity

With large-scale incidents of identity theft, more insecure connected devices such as mobile phones and smart watches,[…]

Facebook and Equifax – leading indicators of regulatory changes to come?

In just one week, within days of each other, two major settlements related to security and privacy were announced by[…]

How FFIEC expects financial institutions to manage vendor risk

FFIEC guidelines related to Vendor Risk Management FFIEC (Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council) is one of[…]

World Backup Day - Back it up!

March 31st is a really important day that you should always celebrate. It’s World Backup day! Yes, the calendar has[…]

MACRA/MIPS and the Annual Security Risk Assessment!

How does MACRA/MIPS affect your practice? As a healthcare provider, you should be familiar with the Merit-based[…]

Are medical devices a security risk for your healthcare organization?

Medical organizations are taking advantage of the IoT (Internet of Things) with Medical Devices Your medical[…]
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