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4 Steps to PCI DSS Compliance

Merchants Who Accept Credit Cards Can take these 4 steps to achieve compliance and peace of mind There were more than[…]

The Enduring Importance of Data Privacy Day

January 28th is a vital reminder to businesses and consumers Each year on January 28, an international initiative known[…]

Top 7 Cybersecurity Trends Companies Need to Be Aware of in 2021

Do Not Be Caught with Your Pants Down Along with the change of many people's work environment in 2020, there are rising[…]

DoD Contractors Can Now Get Expert, Immediate Help With CMMC Compliance / Authorized RPOs Are Available to Assist

As of Nov 2021, CMMC 2.0 was introduced and the information below may not apply in its entirety. Authorized RPOs Are[…]

4 Important Cybersecurity Resolutions to Make for 2021

Why you need to make them, and how to do it We stand on the brink of a new year. It will be challenging, of course, but[…]

Three Strange Hacks in a Strange Year

What we can learn from these three cybercrimes? We don’t need to state the obvious – that 2020 was a year of anomaly –[…]

The Twelve Days of Christmas Hacks

On the first day of Christmas, a hacker sent to me a malware virus in a pear tree. (!) On the second day of Christmas,[…]

How a Registered Provider Organization Can Help DoD Contractors Achieve CMMC Compliance

As of Nov 2021, CMMC 2.0 was introduced and the information below may not apply in its entirety. The Value of Using RPO[…]

The Vital Role of Physical Security in a Robust Security Program

How physical security augments cybersecurity and closes the circle Every smart business integrates physical security[…]

Measure the Effectiveness Of Your Cybersecurity Awareness Program

Nowadays, a lack of measurement is one of the main culprits of why many organizations fail on their security front. If[…]
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