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HITRUST Introduces Robust New HITRUST CSF 11.3

Significant standards added to industry-leading security framework enhance compliance process The HITRUST Framework, or[…]

Ransomware Hackers, Phishing Scams Exploit ScreenConnect Software Flaws

On-premise ScreenConnect customers are urged to install patches or upgrade to v23.9.8 without further delay[…]

A Look at 2023 Data Breaches Reported to the HHS OCR

2023 a record year with healthcare breaches reported every day As part of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Office[…]

What is the Best Way to Comply with all the Regulations for My Healthcare Organization?

HITRUST in Healthcare Makes Great Sense. Adopting the HITRUST CSF Covers All Your Bases, from HIPAA to PCI and More The[…]

How Hospitals and Health Systems Use HITRUST for Demonstrating HIPAA Compliance

Adopting the HITRUST Information Security Framework Takes HIPAA Compliance to the Finish Line It’s no secret that most[…]

Security Policies: It’s a Dirty Job, But Somebody’s GOT to Do It!

Security policies and procedures reduce risk and are the foundation of a compliant cybersecurity program Of the dozens[…]

A Threat-Adaptive Framework for Cybersecurity

What it is, how it works, and why you want it The eagerly anticipated update to the HITRUST CSF Framework was announced[…]

HIPAA Safe Harbor: H.R. 7898's Impact on Healthcare Organizations

By implementing security best practices, HR 7898 enables healthcare providers to potentially decrease enforcement[…]

HITRUST Update Launching January 2023

HITRUST 2023 Update Delivers Six Important Improvements Plus a Brand New Assessment HITRUST is an information risk[…]

Security Simplified: The HITRUST CSF

Do you ever wish there was a single set of security and privacy rules that incorporated ISO, NIST, PCI, GDPR, HIPAA,[…]
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