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HITRUST Introduces Robust New HITRUST CSF 11.3

Significant standards added to industry-leading security framework enhance compliance process The HITRUST Framework, or[…]

Ransomware Hackers, Phishing Scams Exploit ScreenConnect Software Flaws

On-premise ScreenConnect customers are urged to install patches or upgrade to v23.9.8 without further delay[…]

Security Policies: It’s a Dirty Job, But Somebody’s GOT to Do It!

Security policies and procedures reduce risk and are the foundation of a compliant cybersecurity program Of the dozens[…]

Despite Multiple Security Regulations, University Data Breaches Continue

Two universities hacked in three months; who is next? As of 2023, there are 12 accredited universities in the state[…]

HIPAA Safe Harbor: H.R. 7898's Impact on Healthcare Organizations

By implementing security best practices, HR 7898 enables healthcare providers to potentially decrease enforcement[…]

Will New Data Privacy Laws Succeed Where Others Have Failed?

Virtually all organizations are governed by at least one privacy law, and yet compliance failures continue to[…]

Security Simplified: The HITRUST CSF

Do you ever wish there was a single set of security and privacy rules that incorporated ISO, NIST, PCI, GDPR, HIPAA,[…]

Licensed and Ready - HITRUST Readiness

HITRUST Readiness Licensee Now Available to Help Clients in Adopting the HITRUST CSF Framework Our readers know that[…]

NIST Cybersecurity Framework to be Updated

Journey to NIST CSF 2.0 Has Officially Begun The Cybersecurity Framework published by the National Institute of[…]

7 Reasons Why Security Risk Status Reporting is a Great Idea

Keeping a watchful eye on your organization’s most serious security risks is a challenge in the best of circumstances.[…]
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