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New HIPAA Security Rule Coming in 2025

Office for Civil Rights has proposed new HIPAA security requirements for ePHI in the first major Security Rule update[…]

A CISO’s Perspective: Enhancing Your Cybersecurity Program Effectiveness

Cyber threats are one of the most significant concerns for businesses right now. As organizations become more reliant[…]

How a Security Architecture Review Helps Reduce Data Breaches

There are a variety of angles to cybersecurity, and many approaches to securing your systems and data. When you[…]

Foresight 2020: Segment your network

Segmentation is essential to any network. It is one of the most fundamental things any engineer can implement, and it[…]

Microsegmentation - Protect your internal network

What is Microsegmentation? Microsegmentation is a method of heightening network security by logically splitting up[…]
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