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A Different Look at 2023 Data Breaches: Through the Lens of Financial Cost

The 2023 Report on the Cost of a Data Breach, compiled annually by IBM and the Ponemon Institute, reveals[…]

A Look at 2023 Data Breaches Reported to the HHS OCR

2023 a record year with healthcare breaches reported every day As part of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Office[…]

2024 Outlook for Hospitals

Cybersecurity challenges, data breach litigation costs, regulatory overload, and industry mergers are top issues for[…]

Five Security Best Practices for Hospitals

Healthcare Data Breaches are Costly and Embarrassing, but Providers Have the Power to Reduce the Impact Substantially[…]

H.R. 7898 Clarification from the OCR

Healthcare providers and business associates must meet clear, specific criteria to benefit from this law On January 5,[…]

NextGen Healthcare Hack Affects More Than One Million Patients

Federal lawsuit charges company with failure to follow federal and industry guidelines for protecting data The Office[…]

How Americans View the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Lessons for healthcare providers from this newest patient survey An enlightening survey conducted by the respected Pew[…]

Possible Ransomware Attack Takes Hospital Offline for Two Weeks in February

Tallahassee Memorial data breach another upset for healthcare; actions your hospital can take now Tallahassee Memorial[…]

Risky Business: Unmanaged Business Associates

Without vendor risk management, suppliers are one of the most loosely managed assets in healthcare Today, an increasing[…]

The Healthcare Sector Is Under Attack!

Today, regardless of the industry one is in, cyber-attacks are relevant to their personal lives. This can be seen[…]
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