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What does Pi Day have to do with Cybersecurity?

Pi Day is Cybersecurity Day. Why? Because EVERY DAY is Cybersecurity Day. Cyber crime has become so pervasive that not[…]

Cyber Insurance 101

Cyber insurance is a hot topic these days. Many healthcare organizations are adopting the use of electronic systems[…]

Have you scheduled your first Cybersecurity task for the year? Here are some interesting 2017 statistics.

In the first 2 weeks of 2018, a hospital in Indiana was hacked and held for ransom. According to Health IT Security[…]

Network Segmentation can protect you against ransomworms like WannaCry and Petya

Network Segmentation is the act of dividing one network into several pieces or sub-networks. In just the last few[…]

HIPAA enforcement trends - What is OCR doing?

Iliana Peters recently provided a thorough update of HIPAA enforcement trends as well as a road map to OCR’s current[…]

WannaCry! Lessons learnt - Patch, Backup and Protection

Ransomware infections like WannaCry will come and go, but our job as Cyber Security professionals is to narrow down how[…]

Why Doctors and Hospitals need an incident response plan

Why do doctors and hospitals need an incident response plan? You’ve been breached. Now what? Perhaps valuable patient[…]

How hospitals can protect themselves from ransomware

The world of cyber threats just got even more serious. Forget about corporate espionage just being the stuff of movies,[…]
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